
Slip Slide Collide:



Background: Find out about the compositional and mechanical nature of the Earth’s interior.


In your own words write the facts, and circle either true or false.



1-2  FACTS










This layer is made of iron and some nickel.

(True or False)









This layer is a solid.

(True or False)









This layer is solid but convection currents are still able to flow

(True or False)









There are two types of crust on Earth.

(True or False)








This layer is the LEAST dense type of crust.

(True or False)









Oxygen and Silica are the two most abundant minerals in this type of crust.

(True or False)

Lithosphere (a layer within the Mantle)








This is a combination layer which is part crust and part mantle.

(True or False)

Asthenosphere (a layer within the Mantle)









This layer houses the convection currents that move the lithospheric plates.

(True or False)





Background: Find out about how the lithosphere is broken down and how the plates move


  1. Because the Earth has a particularly weak zone (the asthenosphere) below the lithosphere, plates are able to ________________around.
  2. The ________________ plate is the largest lithospheric plate.
    1. North American
    2. Pacific
    3. African
  3. During the Cambrian Period, the largest landmass was known as GONDWANA
  4. During the Triassic Period, this LARGE landmass existed on Earth.
    1. Laurentia
    2. Godwana
    3. Pangaea
  5. The _________________ Mountains formed when India collided with the Asian Plate
    1. Appalachian
    2. Himalayas
    3. Andes
  6. One hundred years into the future, North and South American will continue to ________.
    1. Grow in size
    2. Develop mountain ranges
    3. Drift apart







Background: Learn about how each type of plate shifts and which features form at boundaries


  1. DIVERGENT: __________________________________________________________________



  1. CONVERGENT: ________________________________________________________________



  1. TRANSFORM: _________________________________________________________________


  1. Complete the following table on Plate Features


BOUNDARY (from above)










Subduction Zone
























Mid-Ocean Ridge


















  1. True or False. Earthquakes are common at or near plate boundaries.


  1. True or False. All plate boundaries produce the same type of plate boundary features.




What is something you learned today that you didn’t know coming into class?


Hot Cocoa Experiment:

Milk and Coco Experiment

Name: ___________________

Period: _____



  1. What does the hot cocoa represent? What does the milk represent?






  1. What will happen if we turn on the heat?






  1. What would happen if there wasn’t any milk and just the cocoa in the container?






  1. Would anything happen if we let it sit without heat?






  1. As the temperature rises what is happening to the milk?






  1. Write down your observations of the cocoa in your own words






  1. How do your observations relate to what is happening under the surface of the Earth?



  1. What process do you think this experiment represents?




Film Worksheet:

Team Name: ____________________________



Your Name: _________________________

Team Members: _________________________




  • Have each person in your group pick question 1, 2, or 3 to answer.
  • Write in complete sentences and in your own words!
  • Copy and paste the website you found the information on, as well as any pictures.
  • When you are finished, share what you found about your plate with your team members and write what they shared with you on your worksheet.
  • Everyone will be turning in their own worksheet.


Answer the following questions about your assigned plate…


  1. What continent is your plate located on?


What country is it located in?


What hemisphere is it located in and explain how you think continental drift played a role in its location? (remember that funny song about Pangea, if not look it up on YouTube)




Below, copy and paste two pictures you can use as sources and cite them!





Text Box: you can make this space
bigger or smaller if you need to





Websites for pictures:



  1. What are two geological features located near your plate? (example: mountain range, volcanoes, etc.)






Is it dangerous for humans to live on or near the borders of this plate? Why? Make sure to look up hot spots and if there are any nearby






What is a fault and are there any nearby?




Below, copy and paste two pictures you can use as sources and cite them!




Text Box: you can make this space
bigger or smaller if you need to









Websites for pictures:



  1. Name two major geological events that have happened on or near your plate (example: volcanic eruption, earthquakes, etc.). Include the years when they happened.

Event #1:



What happened? Did people die? Did it cause a lot of destruction?






Event #2:



What happened?






Below, copy and paste two pictures you can use as sources and cite them!



Text Box: you can make this space
bigger or smaller if you need to







Websites for pictures:





Debate Questions (preparation for final evaluation:

Debate Questions

We will be randomly asking you two questions each. We could ask you any of these questions! You must be prepared to answer each one!

  1. Describe convection currents and how an example from class illustrated this (your research, the ball and hot plates, hot chocolate). You can draw a picture if that helps.








  1. What is a fault? Name two types of faults and explain how they play a part in causing earthquakes.






  1. What is a hot spot and are there any near your plate?








  1. What are the layers of the Earth’s interior?






  1. What are the three plate boundaries? Draw a picture to illustrate each.







  1. What is a geological feature of your plate?







  1.  Explain how continental drift played a part in breaking up Pangaea.







  1. What is happening when a volcano erupts?






  1. What are the different types of volcanoes, and which are the most active?


Video Rubric:

  Beginning Developing Proficient Exemplary 
Score (0-5 points possible) 0 points 1 point 3-4 points 5 points 
Title page - team name, team members names, and assigned plate are all included and the page format is neat There is no title page                                Team name, team members names and name of plate are not included                                       Title page is not neat 1 of the 3 elements of the                       title page are missing                                                     Title page format does not look nice, neat, and put together All elements of the title page are present, but title page formatting and neatness could be improved All elements of the title page are present and title page format is neat and put together
All information from question                  #1 of your research packet is included in your video  and is presented clearly There is no information from                    question #1 anywhere in the video  1 of the 3 parts of question #1                     was not included in the video and the information presented was fairly clear in the video  All parts of question #1                     were included in the video but the information presented was                      fairly clear in the video  All parts of question #1                     were included in the video and                       the information presented was                       clearly in the video 
All information from question #2 OR question #3 of your research packet is included in your video  There is no information from                   question 2 OR question                          3 anywhere in the video  1 of the 2 parts of question #2 was not included in the video and the information presented was fairly clear in the video  All parts of question #2 were included in the video but the information presented was fairly clear in the video All parts of question #2 were included in the video and the information was fairly clear in the video 
Pictures There is no use of                                          pictures in the video There are some pictures in the video but they are not content appropriate There are pictures in the video and they are somewhat content appropriate There are pictures in the video and they are content appropriate
Background music There is no background music                   present in the video  Background music is present but is not content appropriate nor does is fit with the content of the video  Background music is content appropriate and somewhat flows throughout the video  Background music is content appropriate and flows really well throughout the video 
Video Length Video is less than 2 minutes     Video is within the 3 to 4                            minute time limit 
Answer the question, "What would the world look like without your plate?" and supported with evidence  The question was not answered anywhere in the video  The question was answered partially and no evidence was provided to support answer The question was answered completely and there was some evidence to support the answer The questions was answered completely and there was evidence to support answer 
Citations  There are no citations                                  for any information, pictures,                      or music in the video  There are some citations for information, pictures, and music                              but they are not correct All information, pictures, and music are cited but there needs to be improvement on formatting  All information, pictures, and music are cited and all citations are correct
        Total Points_______/40