Phase 1

Ms. Howard, Ms. Powers, Ms. Wilemon and I made up our team.  In Phase  we, planned our lessons and observed the students.  We spent several weeks strategizing and planning for the teaching unit on plate tectonics.  We organized the students into ten groups, decided on activities that each group would perform, and develop a grading system.  We found a fun interactive website called Slip, Slide, Collide that the students could work on individually and in groups.  The website provided a worksheet that the students could filled in for points, thus providing positive reinforcement.  We also conducted a small demonstration to show convection currents in a fun applicable manner.  We created a worksheet for the students to complete that was dedicated to their assigned plate.  Our team created a final evaluation for the subjects we taught.  Our final activity was putting the students’ findings into a short two minute video.  Each group worked on a different plate.